Thursday 8 November 2007

I know, I know, I haven't posted anything for ages. But that's what happens when you start an MSc, you get really busy.

There hasn't been much discpline related to the MSc either, when I was worrying about my work ethic before I started the course, I forgot that my peerless skills of procrastination are matched by my perfectionism. Heh :-) Also, M's been pretty happy to leave me to it, trusting me to know what needs doing and then to do it, rather than checking up on every little thing. I'm glad, because that level of control would get frustrating pretty quickly, but on the other hand it does mean I haven't been putting in as many hours of study as I should. In fact last week a combination of procrastination and illness meant I very nearly didn't manage to get even the essential readings done before my seminars... It's now reading week though and while again I haven't spent 7 hours a day in the library, I do feel I've done some fairly solid pieces of work.

There has been discipline though, unrelated to school. I've a junk food restriction and a bed time, and other things to help structure my week. Like restricted internet use during the working day. That one really hurts. Some days I'm better than others - there was a bad patch a couple of weeks ago where by the end of the week M had to call me to account for breaking three of my rules. And because I'm supposed to know better than to break them willy-nilly, he also thrashed me for breaking them. Ow...

This week's been difficult on several levels, and I have a feeling I'll be asking this weekend for some hard, scorching stripes from the tawse. I don't know why I respond so well to this kind of catharsis, I'm just glad that we recognise that I do.

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